Friday, June 27, 2008

Handsome Little Man

We had a family photo shoot a little over a week ago. I just checked Alyson's sight and this precious picture was there. Isn't is beautiful? He is so handsome, and she has a gift. Thank you Alyson...I can't wait to see all of them. More to come soon!
I love it!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Daxton's smile brightens every day!
I love my smiley little man. I am the luckiest Mom in the world! He makes me laugh and keeps me on my toes. Dax is growing so fast, and I never want to forget the simple sweet moments we share. Every day & every smile counts. Kiss your babies and enjoy a simple gift given to you today...their innocent and precious smiles.

Need I say more?

Need I say more?
Don't we all have days where we feel like this? I am just grateful that most days I wake up and this isn't the look on my face. (It's usually not on Daxton's face just made me laugh the other morning.) For all of you who have experienced a day like this week...hang in there! I too have had a similar one and bounced back. Take care of yourself. Enjoy a yummy treat. (It works for me!) It's OK not to be perfectly happy and energized every second of every day. We just have to choose to recover quickly. (Whatever quickly means to you:) Life is too short to feel this way too long. Just remember, you are not alone! Sunny days await you.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday everybody! Mondays should start out positive so the rest of the week runs smoothly. Ya know!?! I will be starting a new edition to our blog...entitled "Happy Monday." It will consist of positive reflections of the past week and exciting news for the coming week!

  • My Birthday was AMAZING! I was pampered and loved by my husband (breakfast & books & a gift card. WOW) and my friends: (Jenn-sweet package and a call, Kim-text, Mel-warm cookies (there is nothing better to me than a warm cookie), gift card, lunch, pedicures (sheesh!...I know...way too much), Kalli-an awesome card and yummy body wash, Stacy-lunch with the ladies, a thoughtful card and music staff paper and lyrics book, Court-a sweet card, My YW-a card and cookies, other friends-AND lot's of other sweet notes on the blog! thank you :) I went to the salon and had my hair done. (Isn't that the best. Read magazines...have your hair played with and messaged when washed!) I recieved a card from Preston, Terri, & Kellen--LOVED IT! I talked to my mom, and my brother Cameron called to wish me a happy birthday, and a call from my TWIN Ross. Am I blessed or what? Am I bragging???...maybe a little...I just want you to know that my family and friends are so wonderful. Thank you for all you do for me. I couldn't feel any more special. I love you so much! (Sorry for that laundry list...there was a lot to say!)
  • I went shopping Saturday with my family (as part of my b-day), and had dinner with our friends.
  • Sunday, I sang in church "I Stand All Amazed." I love singing in church. The spirit envelopes me and it is such a gift. I'm grateful I have something to share.
  • Today, I showered and was dressed and ready by 11:00 a.m.! (Sounds silly, but it's a difficult task in my house. :)
  • Bella's birthday is today. (Bella G.) Happy Birthday! We played at McDonald's play place and ate delicious sundaes.
  • Tuesday, I have a call with my buddies from "Advanced!" I miss you all. Keep reaching for your goals! You're all doing great!
  • We have a birthday party Saturday.
  • The temp is only 84 degrees right now in Folsom. SO NICE!
  • My songs are about ready to record and my goals will be closer to completion. Hooray!
  • Pool Days----there will be many this week! Dax and I love swimming together.

I hope each of you have a very "Happy Monday" and a wonderful week! Please feel free to add this tradition to your blog. If you need a weekly positive kick, I encourage you to join in. I can't wait to read your "Happy Monday" blog entries too!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Happy Birthday Ross!
My twin brother and I turn 25 today! Can't you tell we're twins from our pictures? Our family, at times, referred to us as "Rossica." The obvious merge of Ross and Jessica! :)
Ross, can you believe we are officially 25 years old! WOW! I have said for many years, "I was too afraid to come to earth alone so you volunteered to come with me." I am so grateful that you did! You have always been a strength and a support to me. I miss our birthday mornings. I woke up early and played my "Happy Birthday to Jessica" tape (rap version...go 90's!), and then we would each open our presents one at a time. (Except for the year mom let you open yours ten minutes early...because you were born ten minutes before me!) We would eat our yummy hot breakfast and then both have our own cakes to share with the family. You always had mint chocolate chip ice cream cake and I always had angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream. Delicious! My mouth waters when I think of it! We have so many wonderful memories and I look forward to making our next 25 years even better than the first 25! Thank you for being who you are, and for being my longest running best friend. (I don't think anyone will ever top it....they can't.......we've always been together!) Rossy Possy....we have officially grown up! I love you so much! I hope you have an amazing birthday. Just know you are with me today. I am thinking of you and wishing we were playing together!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Ni-How" (pronounced: knee-how)

Daxton has been saying, "Ni-How" for at least a couple months now. We could not figure out what it meant. We would copy him regularly and pretend like he knew Chinese. We asked friends and family members if they could translate it, but we all just laughed it off. My sister in law told me "Ni-How" means "Hello" in Chinese. Impressive...he speaks a second language.:) J/K
While Matt and I were gone my mom watched Dax a couple of weeks ago. Amazingly, she broke the code. Drum roll please.........."Need Help." She said as soon as we were gone and he used it (because he does regularly) she knew exactly what it meant.
When we returned home, one morning he was sitting on the potty he looked up at Grandma and said, "I Ni-Yo-How." (aka "I need your help.") I wasn't helping him get off the potty because I knew he wasn't done. He knew Grandma spoke his language and called for some assistance. He is putting words together frequently and it is incredible. He picks up new words so quickly now. They may not be recognizable at first, but he is talking to us and it is so fun.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Matt!
We love you very much. You are such an amazing Dad. We will be eternally grateful for you. Your sincerity, love, humility, and humor have made you an incredible companion and an outstanding father. Thank for setting a great example for both of us.

Hugs 'n Kisses... XOXOXOXOXO

Love You~Sugga Momma and Dax

P.S. Happy Father's Day to our Dads(Aaron Van Duren, and Rick Lindsay)/Opa and Grandpa Hardy. We love you! Thank you for teaching us so much. We celebrate you today too!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer Lovin'

I love the warmth of the summer. We enjoy playing outside and taking dips in the pool. Today "pool day," with our ward, for the first time this summer was at our apartment. Daxton loved playing with all the kids....stealing their food (as scene in the picture below), and kissing Gracie.

There is nothing better than a little summer lovin'!

I hope everyone enjoyed the day. We sure did. Mommies, keep your eyes open. You will never know if Daxton has found your food or is stealing a kiss from one of your little girls! :)

"Watch this!"

Yesterday, out of no where, Dax was jumping on our bed and he said, "Momma, watch this!" He has never said either of those two words. I was totally suprised. Super cute! He jumped as high and as fast as he could and then fell down "timber" style. (aka-like a tree falling) He did it over and over. I was cracking up! When Matt returned home from work, I ran to get my camera so I could share it with him and you. Enjoy!

Ice Cream & Missionaries

We had the Folsom 5Th ward missionaries over for dinner and dessert Monday evening. Daxton enjoys putting on shows for our guests so he loved it.
He joined them on the couch for an after dinner drumstick.
"Num, num...," Dax said!

One of Matt's favorite quotes is: "Go Big, or Go HOME." I believe Dax would say, "Go Messy, or Go HOME!" It always taste better when your whole face enjoys the treat!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Golfing...Glow Golfing

Friday night we went out with the Rogers Family! (Marc, Stacy, and miss Tana Belle) We played "Monster Golf." We ate some yummy food before hand and had an evening of fun. What more could we ask for? Matt brought his own putter and the rest of used glow in the dark putters. They even had these special little plastic ones for the babies! Super cool!
Thanks for such a fun night guys! We love ya!

And thanks for the pictures Stacy! You are awesome!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Rock on....You need to check out my friends Melanie and Bryan Gibson's blog. They just posted about our stellar band "Adolf Schatz." There are some outrageous band photos. I got a real "kick" out it. We play together frequently and have some killer jam sessions. Read her post and see Matt in his "power stance." It will BLOW YOUR MIND!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Reach for your DREAMS!

Matt and I just returned home from "Advanced Leadership" training in San Francisco, CA. It was nothing less than completely amazing. We are empowered and ready to take on the world. We can have anything we want....and we are going to go get it!
It's time for us to take steps toward our goals and dreams. I encourage everyone who wants to live a better life to go to these classes. Anyone who thinks they've got it all together....YOU need it even more than the rest of us who know we need to make some changes!
We reached for our dreams this week and found out that they are within our grasp. Face your fears. Take on your life and leap into your greatness.

Disneyland May 2008