Right to Left (Justin, Michael & Kim, Jessica, & Daxton)
Spring Break was full of fun. Our friends Kim, Justin and Michael Bowles came out to visit from Utah. We traveled north to play in the Redwoods for a couple days. On the way we stopped at "Confusion Hill". Lot's of fun!! This was our group photo after we went through the "course" for the lack of a better word. :)
We tried to drive the car through...our SUV is a little too big...but it was amazing to see these enormous trees up close. SO COOL.
Kim, Michael, Jessica, &
Dax(Our babies are five days apart....we totally planned it!)
We were in the "Avenue of the Giants"
Can you say "tree
Unfortunately we had to make this trek without Matt. We missed him desperately but we made the most out our trip. It was so fun to play with out friends. Thanks for coming out Kim and Justin!