Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Our "Fat Sak" needed to be washed. Matt "de-fluffed" our bag and Dax loved playing in it.

This give you an idea how much there was....last time we cleaned the bag the fluff filled 6 black trash bags! YIKES!

Matt jumped in with him. So much fun! :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Monday

Happy Monday....I just wanted to leave you a quick comment on our "special" events Sunday. I hope you enjoyed our little video. Daxton had a wonderful time in the nursery. He is such a big boy. Sister Stoffard was so sweet to grab Dax on his way in. Several children around him were screaming. He has a funny look on his face in the picture because he was wondering why everyone was crying. Daxton was pointing at the kids crying.
I can just imagine him thinking...
"Why is everyone upset? We are in a room full of toys."
I am grateful he had a smooth transition. (I knew he would be fine) I only peeked in once. As for the events following...poor baby...I was putting him through pictures...and we had an owee! Thank goodness it wasn't anything serious.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Love, Jess

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Cheers---to being tagged and never responding. Sorry all of you who have tagged me without a response....So...here goes.

1.How did you meet your spouse? Church, July '03. There was magic in the air...it scared me!
2. Who eats more sweets? ME---without a doubt. I made cookies for dinner tonight! yummy
3. Who said I love you first? Matt...I responded quickly though.
4. How old is he? 27---end of May.
5.Who is taller? Matt
6. Who is smarter? Matt....but I'm no dumby
7. Who can sing better? I am the singer in the fam...but we enjoy singing together. Thanks Matt.
8. Who does the laundry? ME---three loads today!
9. Who pays the bills? Matt...I thought if he saw the bills he would be empowered to bring home more money! :)
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.
11. Who mows the lawn? No lawn...but if we did...I think Matt would. He enjoys working in a yard.
12. Who cooks dinner? We both do...I told him tonight, "I'm a baker...not a chef!" (hence the cookies for supper)
13. Who drives? We switch off around town. Road trips-Matt. He gets car sick.
14. Who is more stubborn? Me...it kills me to admit that.
15. Who kissed who first? We kissed each other. I made him wait a while. It was totally amazing.
16. Who asked who out? His sister told me he was interested :)...he was nervous. I told her to tell him to "Stop being a weeny." He asked me out soon after.
17. Who is more sensitive? I am.
18. Who has more siblings? He does...three brothers & three sisters. (he's 2ND oldest)
19. Who wears the pants? I think he is in one leg...I am in the other. It's only tricky when we want to walk in different directions. :)

OK----Stacy, Jenn, and anyone else who wants to be tagged------YOU'RE IT.

Hair Cuts

Those of you with little men....are you constantly needing to cut their hair? Daxton was obviously blessed with a head full of hair...which I love...but....I feel like his hair needs to be trimmed constantly. It reminds me of trimming nails....kids nails grow so fast and it's like pulling teeth getting the job done. Every mother understands this!

This picture was taken awhile ago (Dec. '07), but this is what happens in our house at least...every four-six weeks...I put it off as long as possible. I was looking through our photos, and this was another reminder that Daxton's hair is way past due.

Keep up the cutting of hair and nails...it's every mother's dream.....kids love it...and so do we! :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

To Train or Not to Train...That is the question?

Daxton's first experience on the "potty."
"Cheese!" He says cheese...and that is his "cheese" smile! You love it...don't ya?
Doesn't his cheesy smile remind you of Daddy's? (in the pic above:)
Daxton said "pee pee" the other day, and my mom said as soon as he knows what "that" is...the count down is on for potty training. He will be eighteen months this week. I know that is young, BUT my old hair stylist starting working with her boy at 20 months and he was potty trained before his second birthday! If anyone has information to share on this subject...please feel free to let me know.
Daxton and I shared our last Sunday together in the hall. Next week will be he first week in nursery. I will let y'all know how that goes. I think he will love it.
Hope you enjoy the potty pics...they crack me up!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


ALRIGHT.....all of you bloggers....I need your support. I have set two very important 90 day goals. As I said in my last blog, I recently attended "Personal Mastery" and it has motivated me to create new momentum in my life. I have always had dreams. I am ready to fulfill my potential. Today is a new day, and I am ready to do this.

Goal #1: I will write and record at least two original songs by June 19th. (my b-day)

Goal #2: I want twelve business partners in the "I CAN" program by April 2009.
(In 90 days I want three business partners.)

I would love for you to be my business partner.

"The "I CAN" system is a solution for financial freedom, and a better quality of life. I can support you to gain better health and more wealth. "I CAN" means I can and YOU can too. WE CAN do this together."
-Jessica Van Duren (Quote from my website)

I know that most families could use a little extra income. Whether you are saving for a down payment on a home, paying off student debt, want to go on more vacations with your family, or you have a special family need---THIS system is designed to accomplish that. I want to help my family and yours make $2,000-6,000 a month working 6-10 hours a week for one year. Please contact me through my site...

Click on and watch "SO WHAT IS I CAN?" --It is an orange box on the home page---next to the star fish. It's a quick video that explains it better than I can on a blog.



Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Grandma Lindsay and Dax
Daxton & Mommy
(noodle seat......our float device for him at Grandma's Pool)
Daxton loves to splash in the pool.

"All done Mommy."
(if you have a better quote for this picture....please let me know!)

Daxton and I returned home a week ago with a similar flight experience as the week before. Needless to say, we are grateful to be home.
We had a wonderful time in Mesa with my mom. The weather was beautiful and we had several days of fun in the sun with her. Daxton loves to swim and I enjoyed relaxing in the orange blossom scented Arizona outdoors.
Uncle Boyd, aunt Brittany, and Daddy all flew in Friday the 4th to go to a seminar called "Personal Mastery." (by Klemmer and Associates) It was a one night and two days course. They all flew back Monday. (with no delays I might add :) Seriously, everyone reading this blog if you haven't heard of this or experienced it, YOU NEED TO GO! It was life changing. We are going to a follow up course in San Fran at the end of May.
If you want any information please let me know. It will change your life.
I have made a couple of exciting goals...stay tuned...I will have more information on that soon. AND, who knows...maybe you will be involved.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

We NEED Each Other

Hello Everyone....

Today I would like to reflect upon yesterdays travels if I could for a moment. Bright and early...well maybe not so bright or early...but yesterday morning :) Matt dropped Dax and I off at the airport at approximately 10:00 a.m. Our flight with United Airlines departure time was 12:02 p.m. and we wanted plenty of time to get through security. Our arrival time in sunny Phoenix, AZ was to be at 3:15 p.m. As luck would have it...first our flight was delayed with mechanical problems...and then completely CANCELLED! Luckily some very kind people helped me with my bags that I later had to re-check to another airline. I ONLY brought one HUGE suitcase, a porta-crib, and a car seat....not to mention the stroller and a diaper bag which was already with me in the terminal. (I know....traveling with kids requires quite a lot of equipment.)

So, needless to say I did make it to Arizona. I just transferred airlines and waited in terminal A for SIX hours. I had the privilege to go through security twice yesterday, check my bags twice, and as luck would have it AGAIN---I was picked for the "SSS", translation for all you who are not TSA's, I was randomly chosen for the special screening. Yes, I was pat down...bags checked thoroughly for bomb paraphernalia and was later cleared.

Daxton spilled our water bottle all over his pants. Of course, I had forgotten to pack extra clothes, so I had a pant less baby during our entire delay. His little brown pants hung over the stroller as we walked through the airport terminal. I have to admit, he looked pretty cute with his long-sleeved shirt, onesie, nakey legs, and little Converse high tops.

Luckily, in the midst of the chaos of yesterday I had the time to enjoy good people around me. People are good. If they can help, they do. If they have had similar stories with their own children, they share and reminisce with you. Daddies in the airport showed us pictures of their children they were flying home to and talked and played with Dax. A sweet woman and her daughter who were supposed to be on the same cancelled flight watched Dax for a moment so I could run to the bathroom. The manager of a Chinese restaurant allowed me to switch my Free soda (with my rice bowl meal) to a water for no extra charge. :) I sat next to a wonderful mother and daughter on our flight, and they played with Daxton, helped clean up spilled apple juice, lifted him in the air to play with the air vent and lights, and loved every minute of it. The people of this world have compassion. It inspires me to want to be that extra pair of hands for others. I always say, "We were not sent to this world alone for a reason." We NEED each other to make our lives better and little easier.

Flight 277 arrived safely at Sky Harbor Airport (Phoenix, AZ) at approximately 6:20 p.m. We loaded up our luggage into Grandma's vehicle and made it without much damage to her home at a little past seven. Daxton and I will return home on the 9th hopefully without too much delay. But, for all you travelers out there I say, "Good luck on your next journey, and may your next flight be without delay and may you have safe arrivals."

Disneyland May 2008