Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday everybody! Mondays should start out positive so the rest of the week runs smoothly. Ya know!?! I will be starting a new edition to our blog...entitled "Happy Monday." It will consist of positive reflections of the past week and exciting news for the coming week!

  • My Birthday was AMAZING! I was pampered and loved by my husband (breakfast & books & a gift card. WOW) and my friends: (Jenn-sweet package and a call, Kim-text, Mel-warm cookies (there is nothing better to me than a warm cookie), gift card, lunch, pedicures (sheesh!...I know...way too much), Kalli-an awesome card and yummy body wash, Stacy-lunch with the ladies, a thoughtful card and music staff paper and lyrics book, Court-a sweet card, My YW-a card and cookies, other friends-AND lot's of other sweet notes on the blog! thank you :) I went to the salon and had my hair done. (Isn't that the best. Read magazines...have your hair played with and messaged when washed!) I recieved a card from Preston, Terri, & Kellen--LOVED IT! I talked to my mom, and my brother Cameron called to wish me a happy birthday, and a call from my TWIN Ross. Am I blessed or what? Am I bragging???...maybe a little...I just want you to know that my family and friends are so wonderful. Thank you for all you do for me. I couldn't feel any more special. I love you so much! (Sorry for that laundry list...there was a lot to say!)
  • I went shopping Saturday with my family (as part of my b-day), and had dinner with our friends.
  • Sunday, I sang in church "I Stand All Amazed." I love singing in church. The spirit envelopes me and it is such a gift. I'm grateful I have something to share.
  • Today, I showered and was dressed and ready by 11:00 a.m.! (Sounds silly, but it's a difficult task in my house. :)
  • Bella's birthday is today. (Bella G.) Happy Birthday! We played at McDonald's play place and ate delicious sundaes.
  • Tuesday, I have a call with my buddies from "Advanced!" I miss you all. Keep reaching for your goals! You're all doing great!
  • We have a birthday party Saturday.
  • The temp is only 84 degrees right now in Folsom. SO NICE!
  • My songs are about ready to record and my goals will be closer to completion. Hooray!
  • Pool Days----there will be many this week! Dax and I love swimming together.

I hope each of you have a very "Happy Monday" and a wonderful week! Please feel free to add this tradition to your blog. If you need a weekly positive kick, I encourage you to join in. I can't wait to read your "Happy Monday" blog entries too!


Melanie said...

Love it! I will totally be feeding off of your positive energy.

Clark Family said...

Happy Monday!!! Thats a great idea can't wait to check all the great things going on! Also can't wait to hear those songs!!!! Kailee is my brother Jason's little girl she is 7 months. I am so glad to see you following your dreams!!! A good book to read is the Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson- Go can do all that you dream and more, watch out for the boarder bullies!

Marc and Stacy said...

I'm glad you had such a great birthday. Good tradition...happy mondays. I like it. Maybe I will copy you :)

Disneyland May 2008