Sunday, November 30, 2008


"Thana...Thana...Ho, ho, ho..."

"Where's Thana?"

"Thana thays..ho, ho, ho!"

"Thana in there...wath Thana!"

Are you kidding me? Is that not the cutest thing you have ever heard? I mean read? Daxton is really getting into Christmas. We just re-introduced Santa Claus. Daxton has a little lisp. (He is tongue tied.) It is the cutest thing! We have enjoyed reading stories about Santa, and watching our favorite Christmas movies together. He crinkles up his little nose and shouts out, "Thana! Thana!" every time we see a picture of him. THIS IS SO FUN! He knows what's happening this year! Don't you just love Christmas? Hope all of your holidays are bright!


Marc and Stacy said...

Too cute! Isn't it so fun that they are grasping the concept this year?? :)

Hope all is well with your family!

Cecile Ewell said...

How adorable! He's so cute;)So are you guys liking your new place? Hope you are having a good holiday season!

Cristi said...

Hey there! What a cutie!

Disneyland May 2008