Wednesday, May 21, 2008

American Idol Finale

American Idol had another great match up last night. David vs David...and if I may second Simon in saying, "Knock Out!" David Archuleta sang for his life and had an incredible night. Way to go! His performance last night of "Imagine" reminded me why he touched my heart from the beginning. He sings with his soul...the way I like to sing, and the way music speaks to me. Everyone watch the finale tonight!
I am sure it's going to be awesome!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

"I Love to See the Temple"

"I Love to See the Temple." I love that primary song, and I love each time I am able to go to the House of the Lord. I taught a lesson today about the temple endowment in YW and I my testimony is strengthened. We are so blessed to have the truth. What a gift to have a place we can go to feel renewed and find peace in such a hectic world. I'm grateful to live near such a beautiful temple. Please enjoy the picture and may it's sacred beauty help you find a little peace today.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sacramento Temple

sacramento temple

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Disneyland May 2008

We just returned from the land where "All your dreams come true." Believe me...they do! We had a wonderful time with our family and friends! Thanks for such a great time guys. We love you. We ate great food and played until we were exhausted every night of the week. On Monday we watched the "Parade of Dreams." I had never seen it from beginning to end and I was totally sounds ridiculous....but that's how magical it is. I love Disneyland. We all loved Disneyland.....Here is a slide show...hopefully you can capture the magic. ENJOY!

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day all you Mommies! I love Mother's Day and I have since I was a little girl. Mom's deserve at least one day a year to have recognition and some extra LOVE. I celebrate my mother, my grandmother, my mother-in -law, and all other special mothers in my life. Thank you. Thank all of you so much for everything you have done to contribute to the mother I am today, and for the person I have become.

I recorded a song for my mothers entitled "She". (written by Cherie Call) The lyrics speak to me. The world has such a different perspective on what women should be. As mothers, our sacrifice can be great at times and this song recognizes those moments that every mother experiences raising a child. It is such a special calling.

I want my mother in law to know...I love you. Thank you for raising a son worthy to take me to the temple. Thank you for teaching him to love me the way he does. You have given me an eternal family. You taught him to respect women and honor mothers. He is an amazing father and I attribute his amazing attributes to you. Thank you for being the mother of my husband and best friend.

I want my mom to know......I recognize you. I recognize each late night you rocked me as a baby. I recognize the sacrifice of your body and time for years. I recognize you shed tears for me, gave council, support, and love. I recognize each time you spent with me at sporting events, sewing costumes for my plays, and then attending every show. Thank you for each and every day of my life. It wouldn't be the same without you. I love you and thank you for all that you have been for me and continue to give me everyday.

P.S. I don't know how to attach "She" so if any of you want to hear it...let me know and I'll email it to you.

Disneyland May 2008