Sunday, November 30, 2008


"Thana...Thana...Ho, ho, ho..."

"Where's Thana?"

"Thana thays..ho, ho, ho!"

"Thana in there...wath Thana!"

Are you kidding me? Is that not the cutest thing you have ever heard? I mean read? Daxton is really getting into Christmas. We just re-introduced Santa Claus. Daxton has a little lisp. (He is tongue tied.) It is the cutest thing! We have enjoyed reading stories about Santa, and watching our favorite Christmas movies together. He crinkles up his little nose and shouts out, "Thana! Thana!" every time we see a picture of him. THIS IS SO FUN! He knows what's happening this year! Don't you just love Christmas? Hope all of your holidays are bright!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


GOOD MORNING! It is about 1:39 a.m. in Colorado Sunday morning the 16Th of November. I have been in Colorado for a week doing business. (I am usually NEVER gone this long.) This is the longest I have ever been away from Daxton, and I am really missing my family. I have been really busy...which is FANTASTIC! BUT, there is "no place like home." I miss my boys.

Without getting all sappy...I looked through our blog. I watched old slide shows. Went through all of our family pictures downloaded to our laptop, and just wanted to share how much I love my family.

My husband is such a wonderful man. He is a giving, understanding, loving, and generous man. He puts others before himself, and freely gives. He is an incredible father...Daxton is completely in love with him, and he is a caring husband.

Daxton is the true love of my life (sorry are the love of my life too...babies just have an extra special place). He is smart, has great sense of humor, is happy, beautiful, energetic, inquisitive, and completely precious. He brings more joy into my life than I could have possibly imagined. He turned two recently, and I will do belated birthday post, and post halloween/pumpkin pictures.

I still have several more days out here in "Colorful Colorado", and each day I am here I am more thankful for the family I have at home. It is more than perfect timing to celebrate Thanksgiving in just over a week. I will be home just in time to do some laundry, and tidy the house for Thanksgiving. I don't know if I have ever been more thankful for my family, for the gospel, for inspiration, and for the blessings I have been given. I am so thankful Heavenly Father has a plan for me and my family.

Tonight as I type my little post...I just want to send a message to my boys...I miss you, and I love you so much. Keep up the good work at home. I will be back before you know it. Thanks for the video messages, and for playing games over the phone with me. I don't know what I would do if I didn't get to see you, and talk every day I have been here. BIG KISSES & LOVES!


Disneyland May 2008